Love Me While Alive

By: "Deborah Argo"
  Yahoo! ID: illusions35959
  Real Name: DEBORAH
  Nickname: DEB
  Location: Alabama
  Age: 37
Marital Status: Divorced
Gender: Female
Occupation: Medicial

If you're ever gonna love me, Love me now, while I can know,
all the sweet and tender feelings, from which real affections flow.
Love me now, while I am living, do not wait till I'm gone,
then chisel it in marvel, warm words of love in ice cold stone.
If you've dear sweet thoughts about me, why not whisper them to me?
Don't you know 'twould make me happy and as glad as glad could be.
If you wait till I'm sleeping, never to waken here again.
There'll be walls of earth between us, I can't hear you then.
If you knew someone was thirsting for a drop of water sweet,
would you be so slow to bring it? Would you step with laggered feet?
There are tender hearts all around us, thirsting for our love.
Why with-hold from them, what nature makes them crave all else above?
I wont need your kind caresses, when the grass grows over my face.
I wont crave your love and kisses in my last, low resting place.
So then, if you love me any, even if it's just a bit.
Let me know it now, while living, so I can own and treasure it,

©2004 Deborah Argo
Submitted on 2004-10-13 22:10:23 EliteSkills
Submitted To This Site: 10/20/2004

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