"Skip'n School"

I used to skip school when I was a kid
Just me and a few friends of mine...
We'd usually end up down by the creek
and we always had a real good time!

We'd take along some beer and a smoke or two
after a while we'd forget about the time...
"Cause we had a lot of fun go'n skinny dipp'n
and take'n turns swing'n from an old grape vine..

I really don't know how we ever got by
without ever once gett'n caught...
Guess we were just plain lucky
But I never really gave it much thought.

But those days are lost and gone forever
Though they run through my mind now and then...
Sometimes I wonder what ever became...
Of my school skip'n skinny dipp'n friends!

Gary Reynolds (AKA) dr_tigger
  "Poor Boy" ©2004 dr_tigger@yahoo.com  All rights reserved
September 30, 2004

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