The Prophet (Sallallahu 'alahi wasallam) said:

"The-one-who-mentions-or-remembers Allah (Dhikr-Allah) among those who forget Him is like a green tree in the midst of dry ones";

"The one who mentions or remembers Allah among those who forget Him, Allah shows him his seat in Paradise during his life";

"The one who mentions or remembers Allah among those those who forget Him is like the fighter behind those who run away";

"The one who mentions or remembers Allah among those who forget Him, Allah looks at him with a look after which He will never punish him";

"The one who mentions or remembers Allah among those who forget Him is like a light inside a dark house";

"The one who mentions or remembers Allah among those who forget Him, Allah forgives his/her (sins) to the amount of every eloquent and non-eloquent speaker," that is, the number of animals and human beings;

"The one who mentions or remembers Allah in the the market place, will have light in every hair of his on the Day of Resurrection."


The Sufis say that: - dhikr has a beginning, which is a truthful application (tawajjuh Saadiq); - it has a middle, which is a light that strikes (noor taariq); - its has an end,  which is a piercing difficulty (Haarr khaariq);

The Prophet (Sallallahu 'alahi wasallam) also said: "Remembrance of Allah is certain knowledge of one's belief (`ilm al-iman), immunity from hypocrisy (baraa'at min al-nifaaq), a fortress against Shaytan (Husn min al-shaytaan), and a guarded refuge from the fire (Hirz min al-naar)."

It was mentioned by (al-Layth) al-Samarqandi:

Ibn al-Salaah (Rahmatullah 'alaih) was asked about the measure by which the servant is estimated to be among those who remember Allah much. He said: "If he perseveres in the (forms of) dhikr inherited (in the Sunna) morning and evening (and) in the various times (of the day), then he is of those who remember Allah much."

Someone related in Qushayri's Risala that he entered a jungle and found a man remembering Allah while attended by a huge beast. He asked: "What is this?" The man replied: "I have asked Allah to empower one of His dogs to watch me in case I became heedless (ghafaltu) from remembering Him."...

Musa ('alahis salam) said: "O my Lord! Are you near, so that I may speak to you intimately (aqareebun anta fa unaajeeka) or are you far, so that I may call out to you (am ba`eed fa unaadeeka)?" Allah inspired to him: "I am sitting next to the one who remembers Me." He said: "O my Lord, we are sometimes in a state of major impurity (janaaba) and we exalt You from remembrance or fear to remember You (najilluka an nadhkuruka)." He replied: "Remember me in every state."

Imam Ghazaali mentioned this in his Ihya-ul-Uloom.


Dear Muslim brothers and Sisters, make it your duty to remember your lord wherever you go, Insha'allah. Take the opputuinity to sit in the gathrings where Dhikr-Allah is done. Verily there is much reward in this virtuous act.

May Allah azza wa Jal shower his Mercy and blessings of guidance on the ummah of his beloved, Sayyidinna Rasullullah (Sallallahu 'alahi wasallam).



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