This map numbers the general features and landmarks of Carodos. Almost all of the islands, mountain ranges and larger lakes are named in this. Match the number to the regions below to see the name. All names are the names given by the common language of the world, so places might be called differently in other languages.

1. Lake Ayera
2. Lake Lemosa
3. Lake Citil
4. Mount Vesire
5. Drenn Mountains
6. Mount Tadelm
7. Mount Nidend
8. Chrimurn Mountains Range
9. Wosech Mountains
10. Bithess Mountains
11. Great Aerith Lake
12. Sithle Mountains
13. Mount Kelens
14. Lanal Sea
15. Verooth Ocean
16. Isoth Ocean
17. Ocean of Ice
18. Sea of Janan
19. Kolar Bay
20. Bay of Lereme
21. Burcha Bay
22. Ruban Bay
23. Esula Isthmus
24. Polok River
25. Lake Essell
26. Lake Jonoteil
27. Lisone Mountains
28. Belius Penninsula
29. Forest of Sellen
30. Ida Point
31. Mount Dracia
32. Kagan Island
33. Jadros Island
34. Isle of Namil
35. Ishuna Lamon
36. The Great Wasteland
37. The Eternal Ice
38. Mountains of Luin
39. Kalrod Pass
40. Dibel Mountain
41. Luema Valley
42. Hinil Island
43. Dacer Bay
44. Angam Penninsula
45. Striver Hills

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