Thunderbolts: House Cleaning Jarvis ponders changes in Jan and Clint, from Avengers 2001

"House Cleaning" (2001/08/02) from Avengers 2001 (September 2001)

Summary: Jarvis answers e-mail questions from the Avengers’ security liaison, focusing on the transformations of Hawkeye, Iron Man and the Wasp after their return from Franklin Richards’ alternate universe.  Jarvis also touches on the construction of Captain America’s shield and whether The Falcon is a mutant.

Flashback appearances from the Black Widow and Thor.

Continuity: Jarvis confirms that Hawkeye’s hearing was fully repaired by Franklin Richards.  Hawkeye appears in a flashback sequence set shortly after “Heroes Reborn: The Return” (1997/12/03).

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This page was revised on August 4, 2001

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