Thunderbolts: Life Lessons Thunderbolts 9

"Life Lessons" (1997/12/01) from Thunderbolts 9 (December 1997)

Reader Rating: Above Average

Roll Call: Citizen V (Zemo), MACH-1, Songbird, Techno

Summary: After taking down a monster on the prowl, MACH-1 and Songbird are stopped by the Black Widow. She hints that she knows the truth about them, and tells them a story of The Avengers shortly after Hawkeye joined the team. Meanwhile, Zemo and Techno plan their endgame.

Continuity: The flashback sequence, in which Hawkeye is prominent, falls right after "The Old Order Changeth" (1965/05/01). The Widow makes it clear that she knows the teams' secret. Zemo indicates that he will be ready to execute his master plan "within days."

While it is never explicitly stated, Ogur's appearance is a harbinger of the return of Morgan LeFey ("Once An Avenger...", 1998/02/01).

Comments: The Avengers flashback sequence is highly entertaining. The art team of Blyberg and Milgrom do a remarkable job of capturing the flavor of Don Heck without actually drawing as badly as he does. In the modern day sequence the Widow is fascinating and eerily menacing.

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