Applying Graphics to your Web Page


How to Add Graphics to your Page
To use graphics on your site you must download them to your 'puter and then upload them to your server.  To do this right click on the image and 'save as' to a folder on your 'puter.  You can then drag and drop it onto your page.  If you are using html to create or edit your page here is the code for images:
<IMG SRC="exact title of image">
Remember to upload the graphic to your file manager.  Be sure the image title is exactly the same on your page as in your file manager. (also case sensitive).  If you want this image centered add <CENTER> before the above code and </CENTER> after it.
The file extension should be jpg or gif.  If scanning your own pics be sure you save them as compressed as possible to facilitate faster loading of your page.  I use Paint Shop Pro to scan my pics.  I set jpg's at 300 dpi and 50% compression. and standard encoding.  I save gif's as 89a Noninterlaced.  If an image turns out bigger then I prefer I raise the comression level to 80%.  I try to keep images under 10K if possible.

How to Add Sound to your Page
To use sounds on your site you must download them to your 'puter and then upload them to your server.  To do this right click on the midi box and 'save as' to a folder on your 'puter.  Then add the following code to your html file in your file manager.
<EMBED SRC="exact title of sound file" AUTOSTART=TRUE>
Remember to upload the sound file to your file manager.  Be sure the file title is exactly the same on your page as in your file manager. (also case sensitive).  If you want the control box to be centered add <CENTER> before the above code and </CENTER> after it.
The file extension should be mid or wav.

How to Add a Background to your Page
To use a background on your page you must download them to your 'puter and then upload them to your server.  To do this right click somewhere on the background where there is no other graphic or link and 'save background as' to a folder on your 'puter.  Then add the following code to your html file in your file manager just below the </head> tag.
<BODY TEXT="#your color choice" BGCOLOR="#your color choice" LINK="#your color choice" VLINK="#your color choice" ALINK="#your color choice" BACKGROUND="exact title of your image">
Remember to upload the background file to your file manager.  Be sure the file title is exactly the same on your page as in your file manager.  (case sensitive)  Any background image used will override the background color chosen.  The color will show only until the background image loads.
If you are having trouble adding images, sounds or backgrounds, feel free to E-Mail me.

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