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5 Oct. 2005


I am putting 5 or 6 all narrow windows on the east wall. They are about 36 inches off the floor and are 1 ft wide by 4 ft long. They will look similar to cathedral windows.(CHANGE) I put in 4 with center space empty..




similar to this but evenly spaced, directly below the windows I am designing a computer desk that will go from wall to wall. Where you see the words looking down on east wall.


Tried taking pictures today but the battery was dead, so will get batteries in the next day or so...  The north east corner as shown above in looking down is almost 8ft high (area outlined in red). and I have the first window frame in.(blue square).. Tom will be back on 15th to help with the door foundations.


More tomorrow...


7 Oct 2005


Hi  I've been working on th east wall every day. More pictures...





looking at east wall from north east 

only one more layer on this end..


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